• Shining with an Otherworldly Light

    Beautiful smiling african girl in sunglasses joyfully spending time in city park isolated

    God has given us a gift that he demands we take full advantage of and yet we seldom truly grasp what it is and how to make the most of that gift.

  • Path of Fools and the Faithful

    path in mountains

    God’s route to an end goal is usually not the one we would’ve taken, so why does he so often insist on taking us the ‘long way around,’ sometimes through pretty terrible circumstances?

  • A Short Guide to Achieving Holiness

    A Man praying holding a Holy Bible.

    God commands us “You shall be holy, for I am holy” (1 Peter 1:16), but the debate over how to actually accomplish this command has caused Christians a great deal of anguish over the years.

  • The Price Tag for Heaven

    Two men studying the bible

    How do we respond to people, sometimes even believers, who seem quite content with their sin and convinced that Jesus is more than happy to ignore all their indiscretions?

  • The Virtue of Patience in Pain

    Sad woman waiting outdoors

    God often permits pain to enter into his children’s lives, and he promises to gloriously transform these moments to joy, but the space of waiting between those two moments can be agonizing.

  • A Song Out of the Night

    singer at concert

    God doesn’t guarantee us an easy life anywhere in scripture; in fact, the Bible promises us quite the opposite in many places, so how should we respond to that?

  • How We Escape Binding Sins

    man running out of tunnel

    Many of us struggle with problems that have such a grip on us that we feel like we’ll never shake them off, so how do we find freedom?

  • The Test of Prosperity and Blessings

    mannequin through shop window

    When God miraculously heals or blesses a person and then they turn away from him, why did God grant them that answer to their prayers in the first place?

  • The Tool to Avoid a Rebellious Spirit

    woman sitting down looking displeased

    When our hearts harden towards God’s Word, we lose our discernment and ability to hear the Spirit’s voice, so how do we avoid falling into this deafening, deadening trap?

  • The Great and Terrible Command

    man thinking on a darkening street

    God’s order for us to forgive those who harm us can feel unbearable to obey at times, but they are worse consequences if we ignore his commands.

    Gary Leon Ridgway was a truck factory worker and a rigidly religious man, but in 2003, he would become known for something else altogether.