

Stories from the Field

  • The Words to a Troubled Disciple

    World Challenge Staff

    God saved a man while he was in jail for a heartbreaking crime, and the Lord is rebuilding his life now from the ground up. 

    In Paul’s letter to Titus, he strongly urged this church leader, “Show yourself in all respects to be a model of good works, and in your teaching show integrity, dignity, and sound speech that cannot be condemned, so that an opponent may be put to shame, having nothing evil to say about us” (Titus 2:7-8, ESV).

  • One Need at a Time

    World Challenge Staff

    While our partners were addressing a community’s need for water, God brought other needs to their attention too. 

    In Macedonia’s capital city, Skopje, many public squares and parks are marked by beautiful sculptures of mothers, fathers, daughters and sons. Two of my favorites are purportedly Aleksandar and his father.

  • Encouraging Believers in Peru

    World Challenge Staff

    World Challenge’s partners are holding pastor and youth conferences as well as reaching widows and building up the church in South America. 

    One of our partners who ministers to a group of churches in Peru sent us this report about how recent events and individual work has been going.

  • Reaching Out to the Lost

    World Challenge Staff

    In Central Asia, our partners are taking care to those who have been broken by a sinful world and showing them the hope of the gospel. 

    When our partners in India first met Saanvi* in March 2021, they could clearly see the cruel marks of oppression etched into every crease of her face. Her expressions were grim more often than not, but truthfully, her life had given her little to smile about.

  • The Ongoing Work in Ukraine

    World Challenge Staff

    World Challenge’s partners are continuing to help families and widows who refuse to leave their homeland, even as it is torn apart by war.

    Ludmyla was born in 1949, in the city of Kozyatyn in the Vinnitsa region of Ukraine. She was educated for working at the railway station, which she did for her entire life until her retirement. She adopted and raised one daughter. For thirteen years she has been a widow and took care of her father, a WWII veteran who is in a wheelchair.