spiritual growth

Risking It All for God’s Call

John Bailey

How do we become people of God who boldly live for the gospel and have real impact on the world around us?

I would say I’m a pretty adventurous guy. The second time I went skiing was in Colorado, and I was with a friend who’s a black diamond skier. He turned to me and said, “Hey, let’s tree ski.” I shrugged. “Sure!”

Let’s just say I’m lucky to be alive today.

Stepping Out of the Darkness

World Challenge Staff

Scripture calls believers the light of the world; despite this, we’re often troubled by sin and struggles, so how do we live out this calling? 

Brian Keenan stood, looking out at the desert. An oppressive heat pulsed over him and the entire land, but then a cold blast of wind hit him. It chilled him to the bone as the wind tore over him, pieces of grit and sand stinging his skin.

We Do Not Live on Bread Alone

If we want to get to know God and grow spiritually, then we need to develop a daily discipline of spending time with God in his word.