
Setting Us Free from Our Sins

Rachel Chimits

World Challenge’s partners in Eastern Europe are working to help the victims of addiction find new life and hope for a future with Christ.

The Union of Pentecostal Churches of Lithuania is partnered with World Challenge to help addicts find a real relationship with Christ and find transformation in their rehabilitation process.

Rebuilding Broken Families

Rachel Chimits

God is healing a nation shattered by war and oppression by transforming and restoring one family at a time.

When Diana found out that officials were coming to take her son away from her and her husband to put him in a foster care home, she was forced to confront a hard truth about her life: She and her husband had become alcoholics. They needed help.

Stepping Out Onto a New Road

Rachel Chimits

World Challenge’s partners in Lithuania are helping families in need find hope and food in the middle of what has been a very challenging season.

The Union of Pentecostal Churches of Lithuania support a feeding center in their city. Particularly in this current season, food aid is extremely important.

Loving in Deed and in Truth

Rachel Chimits

World Challenge believes that caring for people’s most basic needs like food can be the most loving thing we do when they cry out for help.

The Bible speaks regularly and strongly about how God’s people are to care for those who are less fortunate, and it’s clear that we are meant to care for each other in times of need.

The Spiritually Hungry in Lithuania

Rachel Chimits

God is reaching out to those who have lost nearly everything in this small Eastern European country.

World Challenge’s partner churches in Lithuania have a motto in their city outreaches to widows and those trapped in inner-city poverty: Food kitchen ministries must not stop with feeding people.

Eating will temporarily satisfy a physiological human need, but people who come to the church kitchen should get much more.

Caring for the Homeless in Lithuania

Rachel Chimits

One woman is working hard to make sure that those often neglected by her hometown have somewhere safe to go. 

Lithuania’s capital, Vilnius, is the country’s largest city and famous for its historical architecture. Mark Buzzetta, Director of World Challenge’s Mercy Missions, wasn’t there to see castles and museums, though. Instead, he was looking for a food kitchen.

An Orphan Turned Mother

Rachel Chimits

Many of Lithuania’s children have grown up without families, but one woman is working to give them a home.

Reda spent four years in a children’s home during the Soviet occupation of Lithuania. Later, as a young adult, she was moved to a dormitory with other children like herself. No one seemed to care about them, and they had to find jobs and otherwise prepare for the adult world alone.