The Joy of Authority
One of the greatest gifts that followers of Christ can receive is authority over the enemy. In this short devotion, Gary Wilkerson explains that this authority comes, not from ourselves, but from who we are in Christ.
If you invite God into even a fraction of your day, you could be transformed.
If you’re interested in quick encouragements, then you will enjoy our 86 Seconds videos. Each one is a mini-devotional from Gary Wilkerson as he points out simple but profound truths in scripture that can change the way we approach each day. These reminders of the Word’s power will help you live as salt and light to the world.
Start giving 86 seconds of undivided attention to Jesus today.
One of the greatest gifts that followers of Christ can receive is authority over the enemy. In this short devotion, Gary Wilkerson explains that this authority comes, not from ourselves, but from who we are in Christ.
Jesus grants authority to his followers. In this short devotion, Gary Wilkerson reminds us that we can be truly transformed if we hold on to that powerful truth.
God’s power disarms any accusation that Satan could make. In this short devotion, Gary Wilkerson reminds believers of the authority we have in Christ.
Satan levels accusations based on our failures and shortcomings. There is no need to listen to those accusations because Jesus has wiped the record clean for everyone who follows him.
When Satan levels accusations against God's people, we can know that the opposite is true. In this short devotion, Gary Wilkerson encourages believers not to accept lies and accusations.
We are only truly sufficient in Jesus. His blood cleanses us from past and present wounds. In this episode, Gary Wilkerson talks about how we will only find the joy and freedom we're looking for when we trust in Christ and the power of his sacrifice.
In this short devotion, Gary Wilkerson explains how we can fully believe what God says about us.
In this short devotion, Gary Wilkerson explains how Christians can stand up to accusations from the enemy.
Attacks from the enemy are intended to stop believers from seeking the purpose God has for our lives. We do not need to fall victim to those accusations. We have to recognize accusations before we can stand against them.
One of the ways that Satan works against God’s people is through accusations. While they are often subtle, they can do enormous damage if we allow them to take root in our lives. In this short devotion, Gary Wilkerson offers a reminder that we have to start by recognizing Satan’s accusations as blatant lies.