
86 Seconds header

1/1000th of your day is 86 seconds.

If you invite God into even a fraction of your day, you could be transformed. 

If you’re interested in quick encouragements, then you will enjoy our 86 Seconds videos. Each one is a mini-devotional from Gary Wilkerson as he points out simple but profound truths in scripture that can change the way we approach each day. These reminders of the Word’s power will help you live as salt and light to the world.

Start giving 86 seconds of undivided attention to Jesus today. 

86 Seconds

What Is Man That You Care For Him?

When it comes to our own self-concept, it is possible to go wrong in two different ways. If we think of ourselves too highly, we may not recognize our need for salvation. If we think too little of ourselves, we may miss the depth of God’s love. In this short devotion, Gary Wilkerson looks to Psalm 8 to find the middle ground.

Take Refuge in Christ

David often hid in caves and the wilderness when he was running from his enemies. Even so, he made it clear throughout the Psalms that he considered God alone to be his refuge. In this short devotion from Psalm 7, Gary Wilkerson looks at how we can have that same mindset today.

God Can Deliver You

God already knows every aspect of our experiences, thoughts and emotions. Why is our natural inclination so often to try to hide those things from him? In this short devotion, Gary Wilkerson explores David’s honest, heartfelt plea in Psalm 6.

Watch What God Will Do

It is easy enough to believe that God’s timing is best. Living out that belief is something else entirely. In this short devotion, Gary Wilkerson looks at the faith and patience that David shows in Psalm 5.

Who Will Show Us Any Good?

God is the the source of everything that is good. In this short devotion, Gary Wilkerson looks to Psalm 4 to offer some hope for anyone who is discouraged by the brokenness in the world.

God Is Our Shield

Even when we can see no way out from our limited perspective, God is present with his people. In this short devotion, Gary Wilkerson looks to Psalm 3 to offer encouragement for anyone who feels like they are surrounded.

Meditate on Righteousness

Even when it seems like enemies surround us, God is present. In this short devotion, Gary Wilkerson looks at the lessons we can learn from Psalm 2.

The Trajectory of Sin

For better or for worse, the small steps that we take add up over time. This week, Gary Wilkerson talks about the effect that giving in to temptation, even in seemingly small ways, can have on us.

Look at the Word of God

For the next twelve episodes of 86 Seconds, Gary Wilkerson will be going chapter by chapter through the beginning of the Book of Psalms. This week, he talks about why he loves to study the Psalms and why it’s so important to take time to study God’s Word.

Abide in the Vine

In John 15, Jesus describes one of our roles as believers: to abide in him. Abiding in the vine (Christ) is a constant state of being. In this devotion, Gary Wilkerson explains that Jesus promised to be everything we need in this life. When we abide in him, we will bear the fruit of righteousness in abundance.