Substance Abuse
Setting Us Free from Our Sins
World Challenge’s partners in Eastern Europe are working to help the victims of addiction find new life and hope for a future with Christ.
The Union of Pentecostal Churches of Lithuania is partnered with World Challenge to help addicts find a real relationship with Christ and find transformation in their rehabilitation process.
The Unfailing Love of God
One young man shares how his good, Christian upbringing couldn’t save him from addiction and wild living; only Christ in the center of his life could transform him.
World Challenge’s partners in Eswatini run a recovery center, helping men and women find healing from addictions and discover new life in Christ. One young man in their program shared his story of redemption with us.
Rebuilding Broken Families
God is healing a nation shattered by war and oppression by transforming and restoring one family at a time.
When Diana found out that officials were coming to take her son away from her and her husband to put him in a foster care home, she was forced to confront a hard truth about her life: She and her husband had become alcoholics. They needed help.
Escaping the Cloud of Smoke
Kicking a drug addiction is one of the hardest struggles a person can face, but no obstacle is too great for the redeeming power of Christ.
Thabani was already regularly drinking alcohol when he was introduced to something ‘even better’: marijuana. Like many people his age, he began routinely smoking. “Alcohol and marijuana were the order of the day in my life,” he explained. “Marijuana would make me feel at ease. I enjoyed every day with a joint in my hand.”
The Day of Christ is at Hand
“Now, brethren, concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him, we ask you, not to be soon shaken in mind or troubled, either by spirit or by word or by letter, as if from us, as though the day of Christ had come” (2 Thessalonians 2:1-2).
What disturbed the Thessalonians was they thought Christ had already come, and that they’d missed it. Paul reassures them in the next verse, “Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition” (2:3).
Learning How to Love and Be Loved
God is slowly redeeming and healing one young man’s life after it spun out of control and left him aching for true connection.
Our partners in Eswatini run a Teen Challenge center that helps many of the country’s impoverished and troubled youth and young adults find the transforming power of Christ while providing them a safe haven where they can heal from addictions and abuse.