86 Seconds Video Devotionals

Attributes of God - Immutability

God is immutable. He never changes. As relationships with others shift because of life’s changes, we can be certain that God never does.

Attributes of God - Simplicity

The ‘simplicity’ of God doesn’t mean that God is easy to understand or isn’t complex. Far from it, actually. This week in 86 Seconds, Gary Wilkerson unpacks God’s simplicity and how this should impact our lives.

Attributes of God - Aseity

God needs nothing and no one. He is fulfilled in himself. Understanding this principle is key to knowing God and importantly, knowing ourselves. More on God’s self-fulfillment on this week’s 86 seconds with Gary Wilkerson.

Attributes of God - Incomprehensibility

The word “incomprehensible” has changed over time and that affects what many today think about the incomprehensibility of God.  Find out how the word has changed on this week’s 86 seconds devotional with Gary Wilkerson.

Attributes of God - Overview

Mysteries, supremacies and wonders all make up God’s many and marvelous attributes. This week on 86 seconds, Gary Wilkerson looks at these realities that reveal truth in a time of doubt. 

Living Righteously in Dark Times

The news is very depressing these days. But that’s nothing new. Believers today need to be like those throughout time, living by faith.