86 Seconds Video Devotionals

Attributes of God - Transcendent

God’s transcendence means that every element of his character goes beyond our understanding. While God is certainly near to us, he is also majestic, glorious and well beyond our capacity to comprehend.

Attributes of God - Glorious

All glory ultimately comes from God. It is an integral part of his attributes, abilities and character. Just as the moon reflects light from the sun, God's creation can only reflect his limitless glory.

Attributes of God - Justice

The God of justice, often portrayed in the Old Testament, makes many believers deeply uncomfortable. This week, Gary Wilkerson explores how this aspect of God is not only very necessary but also deeply loving. We need a God who will defend the weak and require justice for the world's wrongs.

Attributes of God - Omnipresence

God is present everywhere at once. He sees and interacts with every part of the universe at the same time. This aspect of God is so alien to us because we're limited to a single place at any given moment. How is God present with us right now and also billions of other people? How do we comprehend this aspect of God?

Attributes of God - Mid-Series Encouragement

God is present everywhere at once. He sees and interacts with every part of the universe at the same time. This aspect of God is so alien to us because we're limited to a single place at any given moment. How is God present with us right now and also billions of other people? How do we comprehend this aspect of God?

Attributes of God - Omniscience

Do we truly believe that God sees and knows everything, including our hidden pains and even our deepest thoughts? Because he has complete knowledge of his whole creation, he plans its path with intimate care. This knowledge should be a great comfort to us because nothing we think, say or do can surprise God.

Attributes of God - Omnipotence

God is all powerful. No barriers exist between what he wills and it being accomplished. Believers may easily agree with this view, but few understand the true significance of it for their relationship with God. Understanding his power gives us security in God's plans and purposes for the our lives and the world.

Attributes of God - Sovereignty

What do we mean when we claim that God is sovereign? Gary Wilkerson contends that many believers say that God is sovereign but live as if God and Satan are equally powerfully forces or as if they are partially sovereign with God. This mentality is not biblical, and our spiritual lives will be much healthier with a correct view of God's sovereignty.

Attributes of God - Impeccability

God is perfect. He has no shortcomings or failings. That is why he calls us to put him before everything else in life. He is the highest good that we can pursue. Our corrupt, sinful nature made a relationship with God impossible, but Jesus' impeccability allowed him to pay the price for our sin and paved a way for us to know the Lord.

Attributes of God - Infinite

God is infinite. This means that all of his attributes are as well. We share some of his attributes, but we are limited. Our love, holiness and kindness fall short all too often. God is the only being without measurable proportions, and his grandeur calls us to search his depths, knowing that there is no end to his goodness.