Cows, Collaboration, and Compassion
Gary Wilkerson and Mark Renfroe discuss an approach to Christian missions combining compassion ministry and collaboration with indigenous believers.
Gary Wilkerson and Mark Renfroe discuss an approach to Christian missions combining compassion ministry and collaboration with indigenous believers.
Gary Wilkerson and Mark Renfroe discuss practical ways for Christians to cultivate a heart for the nations and get involved in missions to the unreached.
Gary Wilkerson and Mark Renfroe discuss the uneven distribution of missions resources, the contrast between lostness with and without gospel access, and the surprising growth of Iran's underground church.
Gary Wilkerson and Mark Renfroe discuss the challenges of reaching the vast number of unreached people groups with the gospel and the need for Christians to have a global faith.
Gary Wilkerson and Mark Renfroe delve into the profound challenges and urgent necessity of global missions, focusing on the regions most remote from the gospel's reach.
John and Mark explore how great spiritual vitality often comes through great difficulties and how the Holy Spirit meets God's people in their trials, lighting a fire in their souls.
This week, Mark Renfroe and John Bailey use their experience as missionaries to explore the differences between short- and long-term missions.
This week, John Bailey and Mark Renfroe talk about the responsibility that believers have to share the gospel with those who haven’t heard it.
She was very sick and went to treatment everywhere she could, but she wasn’t recovering. Each treatment or doctor seemed to have no affect on her sickness. That was why neighbors and friends said it must be an angry spirit.
People who have never heard the gospel and often don’t even know anyone who is a Christian belong to ‘unreached people groups’ and are often called ‘frontier people.’ Many live in countries where the culture or government is hostile to Christianity.