
The Love of Compassion and Charity

Rachel Chimits

In Kenya, some children are finding a safe place to stay and go to school thanks to World Challenge’s partners.

Agape Hope Children Center was established to take care of orphans and other vulnerable youngsters in Nairobi, Kenya. Close to 150 children live at the orphanage and are educated at the center’s school. Another 500 children are part of the food program, and World Challenge’s support has empowered the center to impact the lives of the whole community.

A New Home and Life in Moldova

Rachel Chimits

In one of Europe’s poorest countries, one young man finally found a safe home and also humanity’s Savior.

The first thing you will notice about a Moldovan orphanage is its silence.

Children in these institutions are often not allowed outside, forced to lay in their cots and ignored by workers who only address their most basic needs.