
Dream Killers and Dream Feeders

Claude Houde joins the Gary Wilkerson Podcast for the final installment of their conversation on living out God’s dream for your life.

Hope for Shattered Expectations

David Wilkerson (1931-2011)

We have learned from Isaiah 49 that the Lord knows your battle. He has fought it before you. And it is no sin to endure thoughts that your labor has been in vain, or to be cast down with a sense of failure over shattered expectations. Jesus himself experienced this and was without sin.

Dealing with Failed Expectations

David Wilkerson (1931-2011)

Some believers harbor resentment toward God, which can be very dangerous. Sadly, a growing number of ministers are becoming increasingly disillusioned, burned out, even angry with God, and are walking away from their calling. While this is hard to understand, many of them reason, “I was diligent, faithful — I gave it my best — but the harder I worked, the fewer results I saw. My congregation was not appreciative and all my prayers seemed in vain. Now I'm taking a step back so I can try to figure things out.”