Some Plant, Others Water—and God Gives the Increase

Gary Wilkerson

So then neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase. (1 Corinthians 3:7)

We often hear of “sowing into ministry” as donating funds. But that’s a very limited understanding of biblical sowing. (And it’s often used as a manipulative way of raising funds.) At World Challenge, we believe your gifts don’t “sow into” this ministry but into the people we serve alongside you. Without your seed-sowing into their hearts and lives, we couldn’t water the ground beneath them for gospel transformation.


You made it possible, for instance, to send life-saving funds to Peru after its deadly floods and mudslides. A local Peruvian church we partner with was able to pay for a truckload of food and supplies to reach suffering people in remote areas beyond the government’s reach. The stranded people had no help or aid—but your support helped feed, clothe and shelter them. You also helped make gospel impact in the dangerous and hostile Democratic Republic of Congo, a region being destroyed by civil conflict. We’re opening new outreach centers to provide food, improve health and offer ministry to children and families, as well as help churches spread the good news of Christ. With your help, thousands will be rescued from extreme poverty and despair.


Your sowing also helped re-launch World Challenge’s international pastors conferences. I once believed that since my father went to be with Christ in 2011 this outreach might close permanently; I couldn’t have been more wrong. We’ve received pleas from bishops, pastors and other leaders around the globe to bring a trusted word from heaven to encourage and give insight. This year Pastors Carter Conlon, Jim Cymbala, Claude Houde, Tim Dilena and I will bring uncompromised biblical truth to Ukraine, Poland, Italy, Holland, Egypt, Jordan, Nicaragua and El Salvador. We also hope to travel to Venezuela, which is in great crisis and political turmoil. Your help makes it possible for us to bring renewed life to faithful, diligent, hardworking pastors around the globe.


We know your resources are precious and that God calls you to steward them well. At World Challenge, we’re careful to apply every gift with prayerful consideration and the utmost integrity so that it makes the greatest impact. Thank you for being a sower in this great season of harvest. To extend help, simply use our secure online donation form. Thank you for faithfully sowing seeds that help us water the ground. Together we’re seeing God bring forth an increasing harvest!