86 Seconds Video Devotionals

Healing of the Wounded Heart

Jesus wants your false construct—the life you've built from a core wound—to come down. You're going to have to release the pain to God and allow him to bring healing to your wound. Only then can you truly build your life on the Rock.

Build Your Life on the Rock of Christ

Last week, Gary talked about the danger of building your house on a false construct, or your core wound. Today, he shares a life that lasts is built on the rock, and that this foundation is found in Christ. Just as God was pleased with Jesus before he had done any miraculous or noted deed, he is pleased with those in relationship with them outside of anything they do.

Do Not Build Your Life From a Sense of Lack

This week, Gary talks about a trap some people fall into; the trap of building a life on a false construct. When someone does this, they are building a life to compensate and overcome the things they think are missing in their lives. What are you building your life on?

Learning to Live Out of the Fullness of God

Core wounds come from traumatic experiences, and what ends up happening is, you start living from a place of "when this happens..." instead of from the fullness of Christ. Success comes from knowing and living from God's love, and when you tap into that, He'll give you what's missing.

Understanding the Trauma of Absence

There is trauma that occurs when something happens to you that shouldn't, but in this episode, Gary talks about the form of trauma that takes place when something should happen to you but doesn't. Today, ask God is there is something in your life that is missing and how you can find healing in that area of your life.

Bring Your Hurts to Jesus

Are you in a place of pain, struggling in the aftermath of trauma? Healing a wounded heart is essential to living a healthy life. Don't hold onto the pain any longer—offer it to the Lord.

Are You Hurting? You Are Not Alone.

Have you been keeping it all in to be a Christian that has it seemingly put together, or holding in your hurts because you're too afraid of what others will think? You are not alone, friend. Gary relates to the human condition in today's 86 Seconds.

What is God's Will for My Life?

We need a clear sense of destiny, calling, and what God has for us. To find that, focus in on what God has for you and a build a life around that. Give yourself wholeheartedly to the calling God has placed on your life and do it with joy.

Participate with God in Creating Your Future

In sharing his final "F" for a balanced and healthy life, Gary talks about your future and the elements you need to discern the future God has for you. You don't let life happen to you passively, but you are called to partner with God in creating an intentional future.

In sharing his final "F" for a balanced and healthy life, Gary talks about your future and the elements you need to discern the future God has for you. You don't let life happen to you passively, but you are called to partner with God in creating an intentional future.

Take Pleasure in the Good Things of God

When God created, he said that it was good; he wants us to enjoy his creation and our lives. Instead of focusing on all the things you shouldn't do (although it's important to know those boundaries), engage with the good gifts God has given you and have fun today.