But Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”
Devotional Thoughts
by Gary Wilkerson
When God calls us to move forward toward a dream or into a murky situation, our internal skeptic might say, “There’s no way for you to cross over this river. It’s just not possible. We don’t have the resources; we don’t have the stuff that we need to make this happen. It’s not a bad idea; it’s just the wrong time. Let’s just wait for a more convenient time. Let’s do this, but let’s not do it right now.”
Even though it’s a difficult season, even though we’re pressing ahead, even though we’re challenging our resources, even though the timing may seem wrong – folks, it is as much disobedience to say to God, “I’ll do it but later” as it is to say “No” to God.
You see, God doesn’t want us to say to him, “This is a good idea, but it’s not very convenient right now.” God wants us to say, “God, it’s your way, and I’ll do it your way. It’s your time and I’ll do it in your time.”
There is no better way than God’s way. There is no better time than God’s time. When Christ’s disciples were shocked by his teachings, “Jesus looked at them and said, ‘With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible’” (Matthew 19:26, ESV).
God likes it when he calls us into something that is humanly impossible to do and in the worst of possible timings with the fewest possible resources available God says, “Perfect! The conditions are just right for me to move now.” Sometimes you look at God and you say, “God, why would you call me to do this now in this season, in this time, when things are more difficult than ever, and I’m feeling more tempted than ever, and yet you’re telling me to make this tough decision. I’m feeling weaker than ever, and you’re calling me to be strong.”
The skeptic says, “This situation, this ask is impossible”, and God says, “With me, nothing is impossible.”
God is strong in our weakness. God is great in our lack. God becomes the most able to move in his power and grace in our inabilities.