The Times I Hate God…

World Challenge Staff

Jesus said that the greatest command was to love the Lord our God, but how often do we do the exact opposite…?

When Jayme Erickson got the call to head out to an accident, it was work as usual. A Canadian paramedic, she’d seen more than her fair share of gnarled cars twisted around trees, plowed off roads or smashed into one another. This particular incident was a car that hit ice, slid out-of-control and had collided with an oncoming truck.

The Source of God’s Pain

World Challenge Staff

Believers often point to God’s pain at our sin, but why exactly sin causes God pain is rarely examined in scripture and even more rarely discussed.

Max Letizi was 12 years old when he began to experience double-vision and then painful, reoccurring headaches.

Listening to the Little Pains

Claude Houde

As a child, my daughter Elisabeth, once asked us for a hamster as a birthday present. So we gave it to her, and she named it Bidule. She petted him, spoke to him, and was just in love with him.

One morning, while we were getting ready to go to church, my wife took Bidule out of his cage so that he could stretch and run around a bit on the balcony, but then she forgot him there! After a whole morning at church and a meal at a restaurant under a blazing sun, we finally returned home to discover that Bidule was in hamster heaven, dried up by Quebec’s summer sun.

Hope for the Hurts of the Past

Gary Wilkerson

Many people need restoration after lifelong heartbreak and brokenness. When wounds go deep, some try to repress the hurt, never allowing their emotions to surface because they are too painful to face. Even Christians bury their struggles and hide behind Bible study or service, pressing on in spite of their pain.