Nicky Cruz

Overcome the Past

Nicky Cruz

After you make a decision to follow Christ, there will then be things from your past you're going to have to face. Sharing from his own personal experience and pulling from the life of Jephthah, Nicky Cruz shines a light on finding freedom from your past by the power of God in your life.

Fear is a Faith Killer

Nicky Cruz

There will be trouble in this world; the enemy makes sure of it. But we can't be ruled by fear—it must be mastered or it will take over your life, killing faith in the process. Nicky Cruz encourages us to turn to Jesus in our fear and stand firm in his truth.

A Desperate Cry for God

Patrick Dow

The next generation in the Ukraine is desperate for Christ’s healing and power to make a difference in their lives and their nation.

“Nicky! Nicky! Pray for me!”

We had just finished a huge crusade in Chernivtsi, western Ukraine near the Moldova and Romania borders. As the altar call ended and the crowd was being dismissed, a desperate, heavily accented voice cried out to me from the edge of the stage.

A Prayer for Ukraine

Rachel Chimits

Gary Wilkerson and Nicky Cruz offered a conference to refresh pastors in Ukraine and over 10,000 church leaders arrived to hear them.

Chernivtsi, or Cernăuți as it is called by the Romanians, has been called “Jerusalem upon the Prut” for its strategic location between Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Central Asia.

It has traditionally been a cosmopolitan city, home to many Romanians, Germans, Russians, Poles, Hungarians, Roma and Jews.

A Final Warning

Nicky Cruz

Are you anxious about the future of the world? The birth pains and signs are growing with greater intensity. In this sermon, Nicky Cruz encourages our faith to hold fast and use what time we have to point people to Christ.


Nicky Cruz

Flashbacks are often used in movies to show how the past is affecting the present. Our pasts can sometimes help us correct the present, but as Christians we're instructed to forget the former things. We are to focus on what is ahead. Past hurts and fears are covered in Christ's blood. Enjoy the present, and trust God with your future. The plans He has for you are for good and not to harm you.