jacksonville 2022

The Identity of the Believer

How do we testify about God in a way that truly impacts the world? Gary Wilkerson talks in this session about how knowing our identity in Christ is the key to an effective witness. If we build our lives around God’s definition of us and his relationship to us, we will find freedom from old, clutching sins.

Authentic Spiritual Leadership

The life of a Christian isn’t just a hard life. It’s an impossible life unless it’s based entirely on the Holy Spirit’s guidance and power. In this session, John Bailey challenges believers and church leaders to submit themselves completely to God. Repeated submission through hardships and victories is the crucible of holiness.

A Dry Stick at a Leaders' Meeting

We have probably all asked ourselves, “Did God really call me to do this?” while looking at our own job, ministry or life. In this session, Carter Conlon talks about the nagging doubt that haunts those who wonder if they’re following God’s calling or not. Conlon speaks to those who wonder if they have anything to offer God’s kingdom.

The Joy of Sharing Your Faith

Many of us have cried out at one point in our lives, “God, what do you want me to do?” If we’re not working in ministry, we may feel like we have a harder time honoring God in our jobs or daily lives. Barry Meguiar talks in this session about how evangelizing to the lost doesn’t need to feel overwhelming or difficult.

The Authority of the Believer

Do you feel confident in your faith and relationship with God? Often, if the answer is no, it’s because of spiritual attack until we discover the overcoming power of the Spirit. In this session, Gary Wilkerson talks about how we combat spiritual attack and grow in both integrity and strength in our relationship with God.

I Have Need of You

David Wilkerson (1931-2011)

Some Christians don’t want to be connected to other members of the body of Christ. They commune with Jesus, but they deliberately isolate themselves from other believers. They want nothing to do with the body, other than the head.

A body can’t be comprised of just a single member, though. Can you picture a head with only an arm growing out of it? Christ’s body can’t be made up of a head alone, with no limbs or organs. His body consists of many members. We are knit together not only by our need for Jesus but also by our need for each other.

Set Apart by Jesus

David Wilkerson (1931-2011)

The apostle Paul instructs us, “Now you are the body of Christ, and members individually” (1 Corinthians 12:27). Then he says more specifically, “For in fact the body is not one member but many” (12:14).

Paul is telling us, “Take a look at your own body. You have hands, feet, eyes, ears. You are not just an isolated brain, unattached to the other members. Well, it’s the same way with Christ. He’s not just the head. He has a body, and we comprise its members.”