Confidence to Counter Culture

Dr. K. Scott Oliphint joins the Gary Wilkerson Podcast to talk about reflecting the love of Christ in the real world, even to those who oppose us.

Blend In or Stand Out?

World Challenge Staff

As Christians, we often struggle with the dilemma of cultural relevancy pitted against cultural ‘purity.’ How do we honor God while living in a society that definitively does not? 

Individuality is viewed very differently in the Middle Eastern and Asian world than the West. The Eastern mentality is probably best summarized in an old adage that is ubiquitous throughout this part of the world: “The nail that sticks up gets hammered down.”  

Youth in the Heart of Africa

Arthur Manirambona

Concern for the young people and future of Burundi is what drives one young man, a World Challenge scholarship student at Summit.

I am from Bujumbura, the capital city* of Burundi in East Africa.

Raised in a non-Christian family, I started drinking when I was 6 years old. It’s not uncommon for people to start drinking at an early age with the traditions in our community.

Darkness on Peru’s Emerald Mountains

Rachel Chimits

Major challenges are facing the church in Peru as they look for ways to serve their society’s most vulnerable. 

This spring, Director of Mercy Ministries Mark Buzzetta traveled to Cusco, Peru to connect with a local church doing great work caring for widows.

The trip was eye-opening to Peru’s great natural beauty and local struggles, coming almost as often from floods of global tourists to their region as well as stifling animist traditions.

A Vision for Kenya

Irene Life

The callings of God on our lives can seem impossible, but one girl’s story is a testament to God laying out his path before us.

Back in 2017, I was napping and had a vision. It was so vivid, I don’t know what else to call it. I saw myself in front of a board meeting, and I was talking to them about kids and fund raising.

I woke up and quickly said, “God, that’s not me. That’s my brother.”

Finding the Ultimate Architect

Ilya Shchetinin

One World Challenge scholarship student shares how he went from a prospective architect to ministry leader.

I’m from Oregon City, outside Portland. Life was normal, going the usual route until this guy named Stan who was a Summit graduate married someone at my church. Whenever he was speaking, I noticed something different about him, so I finally approached him and said, “Hey, we should talk.”