Faith Grows in God’s Presence

David Wilkerson (1931-2011)

Jesus asked a question in Luke 18:8: “Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth?” I have always wondered at this question. What could the Lord mean? As I look around at the Church today, I think no other generation has been more focused on faith than ours.

Everyone seems to be talking about faith; seminars and conferences on faith are held across the country; books on the subject line the shelves of Christian bookstores. We have faith preachers, faith teachers, faith movements, even faith churches. Yet, sadly, what most people consider faith today isn’t faith all and God will reject much of what is being called and practiced as faith. He simply won’t accept it. Why? Because it is corrupted faith.

Many preachers today totally humanize the topic of faith, describing it as if it exists only for personal gain or to meet self-needs. “If you can dream it, you can have it.” This is earthbound, materialistic, and rooted in this world.

My message to those who truly love Jesus and want to live by faith in a way that pleases him is this: All true faith is born out of intimacy with Christ. In fact, if your faith doesn’t come out of such intimacy, it isn’t faith at all in his sight.

“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. For by it the elders obtained a good testimony” (Hebrew 11:1-2).

Several people of faith are mentioned in Hebrews 11 and we find a common denominator in their lives. Each had a personal, intimate relationship with the Lord. We see Abel (11:4); Enoch (11:5); Noah (11:7); and Abraham (11:8). All these men died in faith — the world simply was not their home.

Does your heart yearn for a closer walk with the Lord? Is there a growing dissatisfaction within you with the things of this world? Then seek the Lord himself! Spend time in his presence and your faith will grow.