Marvelous Grace

David Wilkerson (1931-2011)

What in us attracts the marvelous grace, mercy and pardon of our Savior? Is it beauty, goodness or strength? Is it a unique potential or special gift?

No! It is our great need and utter helplessness that attracts his grace. It is our weakness that attracts his strength. Our helpless condition is exemplified by the man in Mark chapter two: “Then they came to him bringing a paralytic…” (Mark 2:3, NKJV).

Here is a picture of absolute helplessness, a man without an iota of strength or power. Observe this trembling, weak, helpless creature fated to spend the rest of his life imprisoned in his own bed. He is you and me before we knew anything of Christ's power.

Jesus stood before this helpless man and did not even mention his physical condition. The Lord brought him into the Father's presence clean and cleared. “When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic, ‘Son, your sins are forgiven you’” (Mark 2:5). What a beautiful picture of the love of God in Christ Jesus! Here is a helpless man, too overwhelmed by his infirmity to even whimper.

Show me the child of God who struggles against a hated, intractable sin, one who is crushed beneath a load of guilt and despair, who feels helpless and weak; and I will show you the one who is the object of abundant grace. Where sin abounds, grace abounds much more (see Romans 5:20).

When you have repented, stand by faith on the finished work of the cross. Through faith in him, your sins are under the blood. You now live on the other side of the veil, seated with Christ in heavenly places, fully accepted and one with Christ and the Father. You are no longer separated from God by sin. You are more than a conqueror, living and moving in the Spirit. You are the apple of his eye, renewed in your mind and made an heir to all that belongs to Christ the Lord!