It is not enough for Jesus to win your heart. He has to be the satisfaction of your heart!
There are many believers who have never been satisfied with Jesus. They're up or down according to their circumstances. That is not a suitable bride for this bridegroom. No, a certain beauty must adorn his bride in order to attract him: “So the King will greatly desire your beauty” (Psalm 45:11, NKJV). What is this beauty?
“Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness” (Psalm 29:2). This beauty is beheld in God's eyes; it is what Jesus sees in us that draws him.
The Holy Spirit says to the bride of Christ, “If you will lay aside everything, forget all others and adorn yourself for him alone, then he will desire your beauty.” This means no job, no person, no relationship can come between you!
I heard a godly wife say, “The more godly my husband becomes, the more attractive he is to me.” Indeed, that is what a godly marriage is all about. Likewise, the more you give yourself in entire devotion to the Lord, the more attractive and beautiful you become to him.
“So the King will greatly desire your beauty…” (Psalm 45:11). What an incredible thought. Jesus will not be able to stay away from you. In fact, the Hebrew meaning of beauty here signifies a strong yearning and desire. In other words, Jesus will draw close to you, overflowing with desire for you!
I have performed many weddings in my lifetime, and there was never a groom who didn't smile with delight at his bride, thinking, “She's all mine!” Beloved, that is the beauty I'm talking about. Our bridegroom rejoices, saying of his bride, “I'm the apple of her eye. She'd rather spend time with me than with anyone else, and that makes her beautiful to me.”
Indeed, the bride of Christ has an inner beauty that makes her outwardly beautiful. She is “…all glorious within…” (Psalm 45:13) because she is devoted to her bridegroom. He knows beyond any shadow of a doubt, “She is all mine, devoted only to me. I am the only one in her life, the sole focus of her attention. She makes time for me, is overjoyed in my presence, and desires to be with me continually.” What beautiful devotion.