But thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumphal procession, and through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of him everywhere.
Devotional Thoughts
By David Wilkerson
Sin will always be the giant facing us. Sometimes we fall, sometimes we're overwhelmed by fears, sometimes we're tormented by disturbing thoughts. Yet if we're still intimidated by these things then we're operating in the wrong body: the old man (flesh) and not the new man (Christ) who alone is recognized by the Father.
You see, there is much more available to us through the cross than eternal security and forgiveness. Christ's blood has power to bring us peace. Sadly, you may have lived in fear for so long you now wonder, “Will there ever be a time when I'm at peace? Will I ever have joy without being intimidated by the devil?”
Yes, it is absolutely possible. It will happen when you get your eyes off the roaring giant before you and see instead your triumphant Savior standing over his defeated carcass. Once the Israelites saw Goliath was dead, they also raced forth to put the Philistines to flight. They did so because they knew, “It's over, and we won!” “Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place” (2 Corinthians 2:14).
Though we know unbelief is the worst of sins, at times we may doubt God's concern for our future.
Right now you may worry, “I'm not triumphant over sin. I constantly fall into guilt and condemnation. My battle just never seems to end. In fact, I'm not sure the enemy is fully defeated in my life. If the enemy is dead, then who is tempting me?”
I urge you: Look not at the giant facing you but at your triumphant victor, Jesus. You are not under his judgment. On the contrary, he has promised you would benefit from his triumph. Nothing can separate you from his love except hardened unbelief.
Jude addresses his epistle to saints living in dark times when the world has gone mad. He says that in order to face such a battle – to see the triumphant Christ in the midst of darkness – we must do the following: “Keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life” (Jude 21).
Dear saint, do as Jude says. Keep yourself in the knowledge that God loves you. Remind yourself continually, “In my every struggle, my every failure, God loves me still.” As you wake up each day, keep yourself in that love and look for his mercy. It is found in his victory, the triumph of Christ!