
Daring to Commit to Christ

World Challenge Staff

In many parts of Asia, inviting someone to know Jesus is invited them to be persecuted…and yet the eternal promise of Christ is worth everything. 

A woman stands up in church, her black hajib masking her face except a slender gap for her dark eyes. She quietly walks to the front, mounts the stairs and takes the offered Bible.

A Key in Small Hands

Rachel Chimits

Our partners in Asia are working together to make sure that children have access to educational opportunities as part of loving their communities.

During the height of the pandemic in Asia, some children approached World Challenge’s partners and told them, We want to keep learning. Our schools are closed, and we do not have books. We’re bored staying at home.” 

Christ’s Blood Shed in Love

Rachel Chimits

God’s sacrifice to save his people reaches the hearts of the lost in some of the most unexpected places, in this case through a wedding party.

In Central Asia, there is a story about a weaver who imprudently fell in love with a princess, but then many great loves seem ill advised to those on the outside.

An Opportunity for Education

Rachel Chimits

Our partners in some of the most restrictive Asian countries are working to help children in remote villages be able to go to school and connect their families with the church.

Education can make all the difference in helping a family break the cycle of poverty, especially in Asia where a high emphasis is placed on children caring for their elderly parents.


Too many options is leading to too many bad decisions in people’s lives; God is calling us to be faithful under his one ultimate authority.

The Great Commission’s Call

World Challenge Staff

A wide view of World Challenge’s recent growth and missional work to bring God’s good news to the nations.

This year has already been one of incredible blessings, a time to witness the Holy Spirit’s movement. So far in 2019, we are equipping churches in 23 countries and engaged in 52 overall.

A Small Change, a Lasting Result

World Challenge Staff

A change of heart brings lasting change to a rural community in Southern Asia

In a rural village in Southern Asia*, Mrs. Nirmala lived a Christian life with little impact in her community because she didn’t believe she could help her neighbors. And it didn’t seem that they wanted her help, slandering her and her family. “With that attitude towards me, how can I make a difference?” she thought.