World Challenge Staff

Amid the many struggles Christians face in Central Asia, a story of courage and unwavering faith shines a light on Jesus’s powerful love.

Despite the challenges and dangers of being a devout Christian in Central Asia, Zarina* led a life dedicated to her family, church and students. A woman of steadfast faith, she was beloved in the community. Suddenly, however, her life changed when she was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer.

Doctors said Zarina had only six months to live. Desperate, she underwent chemotherapy, but her condition worsened. She was told to return home to spend her final days with her loved ones.

One night as she lay in her bed, Zarina saw Jesus coming toward her, his clothes radiant with light. She asked him if her life was over, but Jesus gently touched her forehead, and she felt a deep peace wash over her.

Zarina slept soundly for the first time in many nights. The next morning, she awoke with a strong hunger, which was unusual. She rose and walked to the kitchen and started cooking a chicken broth with noodles. Her family was shocked and amazed to see her not only moving about but eating a full meal.

Zarina knew that Christ had the power to save her life and that he heard her cries for help. From that moment on, she tirelessly proclaimed the power of God and his love. She put her faith fully in the Lord; and he worked a miracle in her life, restoring her health and granting her blessed days to share the good news of his love with others.

In a nation with very few Christians, Zarina’s life is a mighty testament to a God who cares for his people and to the power of prayer and the transformative love of Jesus. Despite the trials and tribulations we all may face, we can trust in the Lord and he will hear our cries. “Behold, the Lord’s hand is not shortened, that it cannot save, or his ear dull, that it cannot hear” (Isaiah 59:1, ESV).

Trust in the Lord, and he will hear your cry!

*Not real name. For our ministry partners’ security, we don’t release names or locations in highly sensitive areas.