The Precious Blood of Jesus

David Wilkerson (1931-2011)

Without a doubt, the blood of Jesus Christ is the most precious gift our heavenly Father has given to us. Christians used to sing about the power of the blood in a favorite old song that said, “There is power, power, wonder-working power in the precious blood of the Lamb.”

I fear, however, that we fail to comprehend the great significance of the blood of Jesus. While it is true that through his blood we are made free from the bondage of iniquity — all our sins are covered — there is much more virtue and value in the preciousness of his blood.

Most Christians know that Jesus shed his blood for us. When Christ lifted the cup at the last Passover, he said, “This cup is the new covenant in My blood, which is shed for you” (Luke 22:20). We memorialize his sacrifice every time we participate in communion. But in Scripture the blood is spoken of in two ways: bloodshed and blood sprinkled.

A familiar example of the “blood sprinkled” is when the Israelites were commanded to take hyssop, dip it in the blood of a slain lamb, and sprinkle it on the lintel and side-posts of their front door for protection from the death angel. The house with the blood applied was then passed over unharmed (see Exodus 12:22-23). If the blood had simply sat in the basin, it would have had no effect. It had to be applied — sprinkled — in order to achieve efficacy.

This blood in Exodus 12 is a type of the blood of Christ. The blood that flowed at Calvary was not wasted — it did not fall to the ground and disappear. It was collected in a heavenly fountain, ready to be sprinkled on the doorposts of your heart, not only for forgiveness but also for protection against all the destroying powers of Satan. Proclaim the victory of Jesus’ blood in your life and begin praising him in a new way!