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Simply being sincere in our belief in God is not enough if we don’t actually know what the Bible says and who God is. This week, Gary Wilkerson and Joshua West discuss how important it is for believers to know the whole counsel of scripture. If we know who the God of the Bible really is, our faith and spiritual discernment will be strengthened. It’s hard work to grow in our knowledge of scripture and God, but there is nothing more worthwhile in our lives.

Key Points from the Podcast

• Learning more about doctrine and studying theology does not necessarily make our faith stuffy or dead. Our relationship with God can and should be fed as we use our mind to study his ways.

• Studying church history can be a great encouragement because it shows us that the issues facing the church today are not new. The church has always been persecuted and had to fight against losing our first love.

• Believers need pastors who teach the Word, but we also need academic scholars who can bring out deep insights about the scriptures. Christians need to take studying the Bible seriously, but sometimes we need help from those who have dedicated themselves to this work.

• People can have religion without a relationship with God, which is dead religion; but we cannot have a meaningful relationship with God while ignoring his laws and commands, the essence of true religion.

• Systematic theology is the way that Christian sages take the historic study of God and categorize it; it makes the body of scholarship on scripture more accessible.

• The four major systems of theology are as follows: biblical theology, historic theology, systematic theology and practical theology.

• Good theological understanding helps us understand which issues are weighty enough to take very seriously and stand for even if it brings conflict, whereas other issues may just be a difference of opinion and personal conviction.

Bible Verses Referenced in the Podcast

2 Timothy 2:1-7, 1 Corinthians 14:12, Titus 1:9, 2 Timothy 2:15-17

Resources Mentioned in the Podcast

• Systematic Theology by Wayne Grudem

Episodes in this Podcast Series

About Joshua West

Joshua West serves as the Church Leadership Network Director at World Challenge helping equip and empower pastors all over the world. Joshua’s desire is to raise up ministers who will correctly and boldly preach the word with passion and integrity. The point of all his work and writings is to preach the gospel, glorify God and to teach sound doctrine.

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