Holy Spirit
One Need at a Time
While our partners were addressing a community’s need for water, God brought other needs to their attention too.
In Macedonia’s capital city, Skopje, many public squares and parks are marked by beautiful sculptures of mothers, fathers, daughters and sons. Two of my favorites are purportedly Aleksandar and his father.
But We Preach Christ
How do we live our lives in such a way that when we share the Word of God, we speak with the wisdom and power of the Spirit? Gary Wilkerson breaks down how we cultivate a heart that listens to the Spirit's directions. A ministry that is built around the Lord's Word alone will have a unique fire and life at its center.
The Great Struggle of a Faithful Shepherd
Every leader in the church will struggle and face conflict in order to lead well and teach the scriptures faithfully. Gary Wilkerson talks about the right mentality that makes a truly victorious, faithful pastor. This success may not look like it to the world, but it does in heaven.
In the Garden of Our Hearts
We Who Are Thinking Reeds
The Gifts of the Spirit: Power, Miracles, Signs and Wonders
In the second episode of this two-part series, Dr. Sam Storms joins Gary Wilkerson to discuss why Christians should seek the Holy Spirit.
The Gifts of the Spirit: Cessationism, Prophecy, and Apostles
This week, Dr. Sam Storms joins Gary Wilkerson to talk about his transition from cessationism to understanding and embracing the gifts of the Spirit.
The Consolation of the Holy Spirit
The Only Guide You’ll Ever Need
Thank God that the Holy Spirit’s fire produces light — something we desperately need in a world full of difficult decisions and hidden dangers. The Spirit illuminates our lives and our choices so that we can see the path ahead and know what to avoid. Yet too often we don’t seek the Holy Spirit’s direction when making vital decisions.