David Wilkerson

You may remember the story of the Old Testament where the Israelites sent spies into the Promised Country. They came back saying: "Yes, this is a land flowing with milk and honey, but it is also full of giants and cities with high walls. We are not able to confront these people. Compared to them, we're only grasshoppers "(see Numbers 13).
These people have not acknowledged God. They never said, "God is not able. It is not strong enough. "They did not dare express such disbelief. They focused instead on themselves, saying, "We are not capable. We are only small insects at the sight of our enemies. "
But this is not humility. And it is not this is an innocent and harmless speech. This is an affront to the One who is the Light of the world, which commands us to believe, "I can do everything through him who strengthens me" (Philippians 4:13).
You see, when you complain of your disability and your weaknesses, it is not that thou debase. You debase your Lord. How? By refusing to believe or walk according to His Word. This is sinning against the Light. And that brings darkness.
Israelite spies were so focused on their disabilities they were ready to give up. They even talked to return to Egypt. What was God's response to their fears and their unbelief? "And the Lord said to Moses: How long will this people despise it me? Until when do believe there not in me, for all the signs that I'm in the middle of it? "(Numbers 2:11 p.m.). God instructed the sin: disbelief.
Today the Lord asks His people the same question He asked Israel: "When will you believe what I have promised you? I said my strength would support you in your times of weakness. You're not supposed to rely on the strength of your flesh. I told you that I will use the weak, the poor, the despised of this world to confound the wise. I am Jehovah, the infinite force. And I'll make you strong for My power by My Spirit. So when you will act accordingly? When do you confide in that I told you? "