David Wilkerson

God said to Israel: "You believed Me not when I told you that you had nothing to fear, that I will fight for you. You have completely forgotten that I carried you as one carries a child and I took care of you. You've never trusted me, even when I précédais you, giving you a cloud to shelter you from the scorching sun, giving you a fire by night to light your way and bring you comfort in the darkest of night. Instead, you have doubts, you have slandered me and have me a liar "(see Deuteronomy 1: 27-35).
You can not be saved, filled with the Holy Spirit and walk in holiness before God while being guilty of unbelief. You may say to yourself "I'm not disbelief." But do you become worried when things go wrong? Are you afraid to disappoint God? Are you restless, worried about the future?
The believer who has unconditional faith in God's promise enjoys complete rest. What characterizes this rest? A full and complete trust in God's Word and a total dependence on His faithfulness to that word. Indeed, rest is the proof of faith.
You wonder perhaps: how the heart of a believer can it be hardened in unbelief? We see a shocking illustration in Mark 6. The disciples were in a boat on the way to Bethsaida, sailing in the dark. Suddenly Jesus appeared, walking on water. The twelve thought it was a ghost and shook with fear. But Christ reassured them: "Do not worry, it's me, do not be afraid!" (Mark 6:50). Then he boarded the boat and the wind ceased.
The next verse says all the state of the heart of the disciples at that time: "They were in themselves all amazed, and marveled; because they had not understood about the loaves, because their heart was hardened "(6: 51-52). (The Greek word meaning hardened here means "disbelief hard as stone, blind and confined.") It is recalled that these men had just experience an incredible miracle. They had seen Jesus feed five thousand people with only five loaves and two fish and He used the twelve to do. When Mark says that the disciples "did not understand" this miracle, he means. "They could not understand everything, to link all these things"
The hardening comes when thou wilt put away the "on" to "supernatural." These men had no faith to believe what they had just seen Jesus do. In less than twenty-four hours they had relegated the miraculous food to a kind of natural event. They always had doubts about the supernatural power of Christ.