San Diego Sermons - 2023


Day 1

Fire in My Bones

Session 1 | Gary Wilkerson

What does repentance and revival look like for the church and Christian leaders? Gary Wilkerson examines the book of Jeremiah where the prophet struggles with a corrupt culture, compromised religious leaders and deep discouragement when his message isn't received. Many church leaders are weary and overwhelmed by society's pressures, feeling tempted to soften the hard edges of the Bible. When the scriptures talk about consuming zeal and 'fire in the bones', how do we find that passion? Gary explores the challenging answers to this question.

What's Between Ask and Receive

Session 2 | Tim Dilena

In between asking God for something and receiving what we asked for, there is a gap of time where we can become angry, confused and hopeless while waiting for God to answer our prayer. Because God is a loving Father, he will never give us a position or possession that our immaturity could sabotage. When you ask God for something, you won’t get the thing you asked for right away. Instead, you will receive a journey that will get you ready for the thing you’re asking for. Tim Dilena powerfully shares that while you’re waiting, ask God to grow you and trust that God’s timing is the best timing for you.

The New Covenant - Part 1

Session 3 | Carter Conlon

How do you view God's grace in your salvation? Your answer reveals a great deal of how you view Jesus' work on the cross and The New Covenant in Christ was preordained in the Godhead before the world was even formed. In this session, Pastor Carter Conlon lays out the foundation of New Covenant theology. He opens up the scriptures from Genesis through Jesus’ life, and he explains how vitally important it is to understand the reasons why our redemption was not a covenant between God and man but rather between God and himself.


Session 4 | Ron Brown

God's people should never grow tired of telling the story of Jesus and his love. When God initiates a relationship with a person, that's where the fire begins. In this session, Ron Brown discusses how keeping Jesus at the center of our lives will close the doors to temptation and burnout because the fire of God continually inflames his people's hearts. Believers must never lose sight of the fact that the greatest miracles are a God who loves his children so greatly and a life that has been transformed.

Day 2

The New Covenant - Part 2

Session 5 | Carter Conlon

Each day, are you moved by the fact that you have the third person of the Godhead living in your body? In this session, Carter Conlon discusses how to resist the consuming draw of works-based religion. Instead, believers should grow increasingly enamored with being in God's presence and ministering to him. The fruits of the Spirit and strength of his calling are not things Christians can develop in their own strength. These are gifts from time spent with Christ in prayer, meditation and worship. Only then will believers grasp the living power of the New Covenant.

A Fire in Our Bones

Session 6 | John Bailey

Most people don't like conflict, but conflict is knocking on the doors of the church. It is going to take people with a backbone and a knowledge of the gospel to confront a generation that is hostile against Christ. In this session, John Bailey explores how God's people grow in boldness and spiritual authority in the face of an increasingly dark world. While believers may feel insignificant, God has placed each one of his people in their communities for a reason. While some may feel overwhelmed, God has supplied each of his children with the power they need to speak up in a corrupt generation.

Putting Robes Over Scars

Session 7 | Tim Dilena

Life is difficult and often leaves us deeply wounded. Friends, family members or coworkers who betray us or lie about us can deal incredible harm to our hearts and minds. In this session, Tim Dilena discusses some of the reasons why God allows us to go through horrific circumstances. Out of the lives of Joseph and King Hezekiah, he illustrates the purpose God has for his servants as wounds heal into scars. Lord builds character and the fruits of his Spirit quicker in a wounded heart that has been surrendered into his hands than in anyone who is strong, competent and skilled in their own right. Often the Lord leads his people into hardship for just this reason.

The Touch of God

Session 8 | Gary Wilkerson

Can humanity regain the glory that was lost in the Garden of Eden? The answer is that we cannot in life because we have no power to procure this ourselves and we too often misunderstand what God's presence means. In this session, Gary Wilkerson discusses how Christians mistakenly become consumed in glorifying ourselves through religion, glorifying our churches through showmanship and glorifying our country through moral politics. In all of these things God is almost always absent because the spotlight is on human effort. So what does it look like for God's glory to display itself in people's lives?

Day 3

Rebuilding the Altar of the Lord

Session 9 | Joshua West

What does it mean to say "The Word of the Lord has power"? Believers may say that easily, but how many could define exactly what it entails? In this session, Joshua West unpacks what the Bible means when it says that God's Word is the only true way to genuine change. Spiritual power comes from knowledge of the scriptures hand-in-hand with a reverent fear of the Lord. Out of this will not only come power but also a love for people and a passion to see them saved and set free from sin's shackles.


Session 12 | Nicky Cruz

Nicky Cruz's early life is a critical part of The Cross and the Switchblade, but God has done enormous things in his life over the many decades since then. In this session, Nicky shares his testimony and his experiences as part of Teen Challenge and several other ministries as God moved and directed his life. No matter what impossible obstacles were, God always provided a way through; the Lord has glorified himself in the midst of every hardship and opportunity in Nicky's life and ministry.