
86 Seconds header

1/1000th of your day is 86 seconds.

If you invite God into even a fraction of your day, you could be transformed. 

If you’re interested in quick encouragements, then you will enjoy our 86 Seconds videos. Each one is a mini-devotional from Gary Wilkerson as he points out simple but profound truths in scripture that can change the way we approach each day. These reminders of the Word’s power will help you live as salt and light to the world.

Start giving 86 seconds of undivided attention to Jesus today. 

86 Seconds

Instantaneous Change - Part 2

Gary continues his message on what instantaneous change looks like as a believer. It starts with the manifest presence of God that consumes the issues of our heart and changes us in a moment.

Instantaneous Change - Part 1

This week, Gary talks about the kind of change that is instantaneous. These moments are those holy encounters with God that bring instant change; turning the old into something new. We can't manufacture them but the Holy Spirit manifests his presence and breakthrough power for an instant deliverance in our life.

Incremental Change

There are three ways we change and today, Gary talks about incremental change, or sanctification. This is the slow process of change that often takes place in our lives through the difficult and painful experiences. This is a Holy Spirit work in your life that often takes time but makes you into the image of Christ.

God Is Present Everywhere at All Times

Another incredible attribute of God is that he is omnipresent—everywhere at all times. Because he created all things, he is able to be among his creation all the time. Which can be wonderfully comforting; even when you feel alone or hurting, God's presence is there, in the midst of your pain.

God Knows All

Another attribute of God is that he is omniscient; he knows everything about your past, present and future. Because he knows all, he can care for you and use all things for good. Go to the God who knows what you truly need and trust him with your life.

God Has All Power

Gary has been studying the attributes of God and this week, he explores God's omnipotence. This word also means all-powerful and when it describes God as all-powerful, it means that all power in the Universe comes from him alone. He is the source and it's a power that is immeasurable.

The Judgments of God Are Real

Acknowledging the judgments of God allow us to know God more fully. And while some believe His wrath and judgments are unkind they are actually a sign of His mercy to save us from evil.

Does God Still Judge Nations?

Because God is just he brings judgment on sin, but what about nations? We often want to dismiss God would do such a thing to countries but is it biblical? Gary speaks to this question and reminds us that ultimately, judgment is meant to point us back to God.

God Is Just and the Justifier

Without justice and judgment, sin would go unpunished. It's these attributes of God we tend to shy away from that are essential to punishing evil. We do deserve the wrath of God because of our sin, but God loved us so much that he made a way for atonement. Jesus became the justifier—he bore all our sins and took on the wrath of God for us. What an incredible God we serve!

The Just Nature of an Amazing God

We often ignore the justice of God while building a view of him that we are personally comfortable with. But it's important to know about his wrath and just nature to fully know our amazing God.